Second generation of Dragon’s series of rods from extra fast action, made using nanotechnology, thanks to which blank has smaller diameter, weights less than similar length and strength “traditional” blank, its individual layers adhere perfectly to each other and with lower weight and fast action is made from less stiff prepregs. Finishing components of X-TREME series are: - Japanese Toray company prepregs with stiffness from 24 mln do PSI to 46 mln PSI; - SiC type guides; - TVS reel’s handle; - the highest quality EVA foam; - two-components, ageless, epoxy TRONDAK varnish; - Gudebrod threads. - X-Fast action; - proggressive blank’s bend under loading, what guarantee comfort fight; - blanks with walls of standard thickness but lower outer diameter; - easiness of castings with light baits together with the possibility of transferring quite large dynamic loads; - above-standard resistance to overload and mechanical damages what increase life span of the equipment.